Friday, July 04, 2014

GMR RJY Contribution, Expenditure, Balance and Bank statement details mail has been sent to all.

Dear GMRians,

We are very happy to inform you that we have collected 4.5 Lacks for the event. We have celebrated the 25 Years of Old Students get-together on 25th Jan 2014 and total expenditure was 1.1 Lacks. Now the balance in GMR account is 3.4 Lacks. Please find thd detailed summary below. Contribution, expenditure, balance and Bank statement details mail has been sent to all.

Online Contributions = 3,80,071=92
Cash contribution at event = 72,100=00
                                  Total = 4,52,171=92

TOTAL Fund Collected (online + manual) = 452,171=92
TOTAL Expenditure for the 25th Jan 2014 event = 108,000=00
TOTAL Balance available now in GMR Account = 3,44,171=92

Some people transferred amount with simple transaction comment "GMR" and "GMR event" etc. So we are unable to track their names but we have collected as much as possible whoever send mails to core team with transaction details.

If anyone contributed, if your name is not there in contribution list, please let us know with transaction details, so that we will update the contribution list.

We will inform you the future plans, Association registration update etc by coming updates/mails.

Please share your comments/concerns by sending mail to core group ""

Joseph (Yesebu) Borugadda
92 CM 09
Behalf of GMR Old Students Core Committee (All Cities)

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